

Welcome to my blog. Feel free to explore my adventures in travel, style, photography, food, and more! Hope you have a nice stay!

New Car!

New Car!

Hi everyone! it’s been a while since I last wrote on here but a lot has been happening! I am hoping to get back into the swing of blogging again with all the fun seasonal content to come! One of the big updates is that Jacob and I bought a new car! The car I was driving before wasn’t going to last much longer and we both new I needed something safer and that would last a ling time. We decided on the Subaru Forester. It has 5 seats and is cream exterior with black/grey fabric seats. Since this photo we have taken it to be tinted so it looks much nicer. But I am so excited with our purchase! If you had told me that I would be able to buy my own car at 20 I would not have believed you! Jacob and I have been working really hard and I can’t believe our dream of being videographers is able to sustain our lives together and more! Thanks for following along on our journey and I can’t wait to update you on more exciting things that are happening! So stay tuned!

4th of July 2019

4th of July 2019

Maui Vacation

Maui Vacation