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heart shaped cinnamon rolls

heart shaped cinnamon rolls

I love breakfast. so combine my favorite meal with cinnamon rolls and cute sprinkles and you have me hooked. I saw this idea on Pinterest last year and I never got around to doing it so I thought it would be fun to do it this year. my boyfriend and i went to Albertsons, got the Pillsbury dough, searched the whole store for heart shaped sprinkles, and headed home to bake together. what you need:

-cinnamon rolls (I got the giant Pillsbury ones)

-heart shapes sprinkles (or any kind you want)

-red or pink food coloring

-baking sheet/pan


first I unrolled the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and then rerolled them into heart shapes and placed them in my pan. they get pretty big so I only put about five in each pan.

Processed with VSCO with a4 preset
Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

then I baked them for 25 minutes. when they were done I put a tiny amount of red food coloring into the icing and stirred it up and drizzled it over the rolls. then I added the heart shaped sprinkles for decoration.


these cinnamon rolls were crazy easy to do and look super cute on the kitchen table. definitely recommend it for Valentines morning for your kids or for something fun to do with your Valentine for dessert.

bubble run

bubble run

diy "xoxo" Valentine's Day sign

diy "xoxo" Valentine's Day sign