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Top 5 Travel Destinations

Top 5 Travel Destinations

With summer fast approaching, everyone is planning there travel plans and destinations! There are so many amazing places to see and travel to and for me it can be overwhelming to decide where to go next! I thought I would share my top 5 places that I hope to go to one day to give some inspiration for all of you planning trips and deciding where to go! I would Love to hear where you have always wanted to go so feel free to leave comments of more suggestions! 

*These photos are not mine*

1. Iceland 


Iceland seems to be a top destination for adventurers these days! Going to the Blue Lagoon (image above) has been on my bucket list for a while, along with all the amazing hikes and sights Iceland has to offer!

2. Egypt


The Sphinx and Great Pyramids are definitely high on my list of travel. Along with the other wonders of the world, ancient relics are so interesting to me and it would be a dream to one day visit all 7!

3. Venice


Venice, Italy has always been on my list to see. There are so many beautiful buildings, towns, and people to see and I definitely hope one day I will be able to see it! Plus, Italian food is my favorite, so I just have to try some authentic Italian food one day!

4. Great Wall of China


China has a special place in my heart because it is the first place outside of the country I ever traveled. I did not get a chance to see the Great Wall because I was in southern China near Hong Kong, but I definitely want go back and see it along with many other landmarks and cities. It is another of the 7 wonders of the world that I hope to see, and the mountains all around China are just so beautiful.

5. Paris, France


Paris is kind of a typical travel destination for many reasons. For me, it has been a must see because of all the amazing architecture and history the city has! The Arch de Triumph and The Eiffel Tower are just the beginning with dozens of art museums and other historical treasures around the city! 

There are so many amazing places this world has to offer, and this list could honestly go on forever because there are so many more places I want to see! I hope this little list of 5 gave you some inspiration to where your next travel destination may be!

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